DFHRS - Troja

The DFHRS database of Troja was computed in 2003 by the frame of the diploma thesis of Matthias Ludwig in cooperation with TFH Bochum ( http://gb.tfh-bochum.de/vermessung_b.html) and the Baden-Württemberg Surveying Engineering Company E.Messmer (http://www.e-messmer.de).

The first part of the project was concerned with the determination the geodetic network of identical points (B,L,h|H), namely levelling points H in the Turkish height datum, and the ITRF2000-embedding of GPS points (B,L,h).

The accuracy of computed geoid and DFHRS-database computed with the DFHRS software version 4.1, respectively, is better than 5 mm. The DFHRS for Troja enables a consistent GNSS-based heighting in the historical area of Troja.

More see DFHBF_Troja.pdf.
