The DFHRS database of Tanzania was computed with the DFHRS software version 4.2 in the frame of the master thesis of Mrs. Dorothea Deus (2007): “Determination of Transformation Parameters between the Tanzania National Levelling Datum and the Geoid”. The master-thesis was funded as a DAAD-scholarship, and embedded in cooperation between the University of Dar es Salaam and the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HSKA).
Fig 1 shows the part of Tanzania, which was used as study area over Tanzania for the geoid computation within the above thesis.
The geoid computation was based on EGM2006 and 10 identical GNSS-levelling points (B,L,h|H). The mesh-size was 30 km, and area was divided into 2 patches (fig. 2).
The analysis of the results proofed a (5-10) cm accuracy of the geoid for Tanzania in the test area. The isolines and a 3D-plot of the Tanzanian geoid are shown in fig. 3 and fig. 4.